Current Attendance:
Normal Opening Hours
Nursery: (half day)
Morning: 8:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
Afternoon: 12:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Main School:
Morning: 8:40am to 12:05 m (KS1 & LKS2)
8:40am to 12:30pm (UKS2)
Afternoon: 1:05pm to 3:20pm (KS1 & LKS2)
1:30pm to 3:20pm (UKS2)
Children receive a morning playtime (20minutes)
and a lunch time playtime (1 hour).
Attendance Lead –
Mr Davison
Attendance Officer – Mrs Marriott
Education Welfare Officer –
Vicki Wade
If your child is ill or going to be late, please contact the school office by no later than 9:30am.
01924 242917
Attendance Matters
Holidays in Term Time
Attendance at school is essential to the social and academic success of your child. You have chosen for your child to be educated in a school setting that prides itself on a well-planned, organised and vibrant curriculum. Each day builds in recap, consolidation and new learning. We celebrate attendance in school in a number of ways and children are encouraged to see the value in attending school, the benefits it has on not only them, but those around them.
Parents and guardians are asked to make a concerted effort to arrive at school promptly and reduce/eliminate the amount of days that your child misses, whether this be through appointments or holidays. We firmly believe that this aspect of schooling is preparing children for life beyond school.
Attendance in school is compulsory for all children and your child’s attendance will be monitored closely by the Senior Administrator (Mrs Marriott) and the Attendance Lead (Mr Davison). Should your child’s attendance begin to cause concern you will be notified via phone calls and letters. If your child is at risk of being classed as persistently absent (having attendance at or below 90%) then you will be referred to the Education Welfare Officer, who will make contact. If no improvements are seen this could result in both parents being fined.
Due to a change in legislation by the Government which came into force from September 2013 the school has been required to change its policy of granting up to 10 days holidays in term time due to 'special circumstances'.
The amendments made by the Department for Education mean that the law does not give any entitlement to parents to take their child on holiday during term time. Any application for leave must be in 'exceptional circumstances' and the headteacher must be satisfied that the circumstances warrant the granting of leave.
According to the new legislation, parents can be fined for taking their child on holiday during term time without consent from the school. The Local Authority is responsible for this, not the school.
The Governing Body updated the school policy to reflect the new legislation for term time holidays in conjunction with local schools. As a result, from September 2013 the school is unable to authorise term time holidays. Any holiday taken during term time will be recorded as an unauthorised absence, unless it meets the criteria for 'exceptional circumstances'.
Exceptional circumstances would include armed forces set holidays and fixed annual leave by employers.
If any parent would like to discuss this further please contact Mr Davison in school or the Education Welfare Officer on Tel: 01924 242917.