innovate, investigate, inform
Welcome to our Computing page!
I am Mr Lee and I am the Computing Leader in school.
I enjoy teaching all areas of computing and love to see the incredible progress that the children make as they grow in confidence and skill. I particularly enjoy teaching the coding element of computing and supporting the children in problem solving as they produce their own games.

Mr Lee
Computing Lead

Intent - Why is Computing important for our children?
At Dane Royd Junior and Infant School, we want our children to acquire a wide range of computing skills and knowledge required to thrive as safe and responsible participants in a rapidly changing digital world. Our carefully prepared, broad and balanced computing curriculum supports our children in gaining key knowledge and skills in the three main areas of the computing curriculum: computer science, information technology and digital literacy. Throughout their time at Dane Royd, we aim to not only develop our children’s computational thinking and creativity, but also leave them with a love for technology and a skillset suitable for the future workplace.
At Dane Royd, we aim to ensure that our pupils can:
understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
evaluate and apply information technology analytically to solve problems
are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.
As well as having separate lessons in online safety, the key principles of this are also deeply woven into our computing curriculum to ensure that our children continue to develop the skills and knowledge required to be safe and responsible users of technology.
Implement - What will our children learn?
Through a thoroughly and carefully planned skill-progressive curriculum, teachers are able to teach inspiring lessons via Purple Mash that hook, enthuse and stimulate our children’s minds. As a school, we follow a two-year rolling programme in which children’s skills and knowledge are embedded and developed during their time at Dane Royd.
Key vocabulary is shared with the children during teaching inputs and are provided to the children on knowledge organisers along with other key learning that we aim for the children to master. These are available in the classroom during lessons for our children to refer back to and are also accessible on the computing page of our school website.
In addition to computing lessons, we aim to extend our computing provision through offering a coding club to Key Stage 2 pupils and also engaging in high-profile national events. This includes National Coding Week, Safer Internet Day, Computer Science Education Week and Anti-Bullying Week. Our children are also able to access Purple Mash from home and are encouraged to do so to complete challenges that the teachers have set, allowing our pupils to continue to develop their skills and knowledge from home.
Our Computing Curriculum Overview

Please note - Knowledge Organisers are available upon request.
Please note that knowledge and skill progression maps are available for parents/carers upon request, highlighting the learning journey in our school. However, we regret that publishing these maps online is not possible, as our school follows a purchased scheme of work. Please feel free to approach the school administration if you require further information regarding your child's progress in specific subjects.
Impact - How will it help our children?
At Dane Royd Junior and Infant School, we are very much giving the children the building blocks that they need in order to become part of a continuously expanding digital world where they can be active members, shaping the future.
Children will leave Dane Royd as skilled, well-equipped and confident computer scientists, information technologists and digital literacy experts who can use technology and computers for a wide range of purposes, preparing them for both later education and later adult life.
In today’s digital world, nearly every career will require digital communication at some point, so equipping our pupils with the skills to effectively and responsibly create, find, evaluate, communicate and share online content is fundamental to their future. According to Dell Technologies, 85% of jobs that will exist in 2030 have not been invented yet.
What do our children like about Computing?
I like playing the games to get better at typing.
Stanley - Y4
I like playing on Purple Mash and making fairy tale stories.
Arthur - Y2
Computing is fun. We do lots of different activities on Purple Mash and its exciting thinking about what we're going to do next.
Mabel - Y3
Computing teaches you the concept of how a real game is made and we learn about technology which will help us in the future.
Kara - Y5

I like how we get to do things like art and DT on Purple Mash in our computing lessons.
Betsy - Y6
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