Educational Visits
Bringing learning to life

Trips, visits and learning off-site comprise an essential part of the school curriculum at Dane Royd. Successful trips provide memorable learning experiences and enhance the children’s education in ways that are not possible in the classroom. The school is committed to providing school visits as a positive tool to develop pupils’ independent, investigative learning, and to build their experience of the local and wider world.
What are the benefits of educational visits?
Reinforcing classroom learning
Increasing motivation and engagement
Embeds learning by being "hands on"
Engages different types of learners
Experiencing different environments
Developing global citizens
Having fun!
For more information about Educational Visit at Dane Royd, please see the policy below.
Educational Visits 2024-2025

Mrs McNally lead the School Choir in another amazing Young Voices event. The children loved being part of an arena choir and they sang beautifully. The highlight of the day was singing with Heather Small on her newly recorded song, Proud!

The Beatboxers were amazing! I couldn't believe they could use their voices to make the songs sound like on the radio. Wow!
Laura- Y4
I love singing in the arena. When we sang to the audience and the lights went up, I was so excited.
Betsy - Y5
UKS2 visit Cannon Hall WW2 Experience Day - February 2023
Children in Years 5 and 6 were evacuated to Cannon Hall for their own safety in February. Whilst at the hall, they had a wonderful stay and learnt lots. From how to bake ration carrot cookies, to how to play tiddlywinks and how to make do and mend by darning a rug. Thankfully the air raid was only short and children could return home for the end of the school day.

I loved dressing up for the visit - I really felt like I was being evacuated in the war. My favourite part of the day was playing the WW2 games - they were lots of fun.
Taylor - Y5
I couldn't believe how nice the carrot cookies tasted with just a few ingredients. I liked seeing the gardens where the land army would have grown the food for the kitchens. Alexandra - Y5
Year 4 Bushcraft residential at Castle Howard - June2024
Children in Year 4 enjoyed their very muddy residential to Castle Howard. They learnt survival skills such as how to light a fire, using the woodlands to build a shelter and how to cook food on an open-fire. They enjoyed the camp games and really loved camping out with their friends. A fantastic experience they will never forget!

I loved camouflaging my face ready for the games in the woods. I really enjoyed cooking my burger over the fire for tea. it was yummy!
Savannah - Y4
I really enjoyed camping out with my friends. It was so much fun!
Dexter - Y4
Year 5 London residential - June2024
Children in Year 4 enjoyed a jam-packed two days in our capital city, London. We enjoyed a river cruise where we saw many of London's most famous landmarks including the London Eye and Tower Bridge. We then walked through the city discovering 10 Downing Street, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. We finished day one watching the superb west-end show, Matilda! Day two was a cultural day visiting the Natural History Museum and Science Museum - both of which were huge successes!

I love the Natural History museum the best. The dinosaur skeletons were amazing! I couldn't believe how big they were in real life.
Courtney - Y5
Matilda was just amazing! I loved it. I enjoyed everything on the visit, but the show has to be my most favourite part.
Sophia - Y5