Children in Care
Our school will champion the needs of Children in Care, raise awareness and challenge negative stereotypes about them, in order to ensure that they achieve to the highest level possible.
Nationally, Children in Care (also known as Looked After Children) significantly underachieve and are at greater risk of exclusion, compared with their peers.
Schools have a major part to play in ensuring that Children in Care are enabled to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy, achieve, make a positive contribution to society and achieve economic well-being. Dane Royd School School believes that in partnership with Wakefield Council as Corporate Parents we have a special duty to safeguard and promote the education of Children in Care.
Miss Mortimer is our Children in Care Leader.
Please find below some signposts to useful resources for foster parents and for children in care
Who's who?
CiC / LAC: A child who is subject to a care order or interim care order, or who is accommodated by the local authority (page 4 of DfE guidance).
Designated teacher for LAC: All maintained schools, academies and free schools are required to appoint a designated teacher to “champion the educational attainment of LAC”. He/she should act as a source of information and advice about the needs of LAC (page 19 of DfE guidance).
Virtual school head: Every local authority must appoint an officer to make sure that its duty to promote the educational welfare of LAC is properly discharged (page 3 of DfE guidance).